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Midjourney 艺术创作全面入门秘籍-2

 Midjourney 艺术创作全面入门秘籍-1





  • A serene waterfall in a lush tropical forest, with sunlight filtering through the canopy, painted in the style of Claude Monet. ::2 [Waterfall]::1 [Sunlight]::1 –ar 16:9(译文:郁郁葱葱的热带森林中的一个宁静的瀑布,阳光透过树冠,以克劳德-莫奈的风格绘制。 ::2 [Waterfall]::1 [Sunlight]::1 –ar 16:9)

  • A panoramic view of a snowy mountain range at sunrise, casting an orange glow on the peaks, reminiscent of Ansel Adams’ black and white photography. ::3 [Mountains]::1 [Sunrise]::1 –ar 3:2(译文:日出时分的雪山全景,在山峰上投下橙色的光芒,让人想起安塞尔-亚当斯的黑白摄影。 ::3 [Mountains]::1 [Sunrise]::1 –ar 3:2)

  • A tranquil beach scene with a hammock tied between two palm trees, overlooking a crystal-clear ocean, in a vibrant watercolor style. ::2 [Beach]::1 [Hammock]::1 [Ocean] –ar 2:3(译文:一个宁静的海滩场景,两棵棕榈树之间系着一张吊床,俯瞰着清澈的大海,采用了充满活力的水彩风格。 ::2 [Beach]::1 [Hammock]::1 [Ocean] –ar 2:3)



  • A majestic tiger walking through a field of tall grass, with piercing blue eyes, in a hyper-realistic digital painting style. ::2 [Tiger]::1 [Grass]::1 [Blue Eyes] –ar 16:9(译文:一只雄伟的老虎走过一片高高的草丛,有一双刺眼的蓝眼睛,采用了超现实的数字绘画风格。::2 [Tiger]::1 [Grass]::1 [Blue Eyes] –ar 16:9)

  • A flock of colourful parrots takes flight in a dense jungle, creating a burst of vibrant hues, inspired by Henri Rousseau’s jungle scenes. ::3 [Parrots]::2 [Jungle] –ar 3:2(译文:一群五颜六色的鹦鹉在茂密的丛林中飞翔,创造出一阵阵鲜艳的色调,灵感来自亨利-卢梭的丛林场景。 ::3 [Parrots]::2 [Jungle] –ar 3:2)

  • A close-up portrait of a curious fox, with snowflakes resting on its fur, in a detailed charcoal drawing style. ::1 [Fox]::1 [Snowflakes] –ar 2:3(译文:一只好奇的狐狸的特写肖像,雪花停在它的皮毛上,采用了细致的炭笔画风格。::1 [Fox]::1 [Snowflakes] –ar 2:3)



  • A fierce battle between a knight in shining armor and a fire-breathing dragon atop a castle tower, in the style of Frank Frazetta. ::2 [Knight]::3 [Dragon]::1 [Castle] –ar 16:9(译文:穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士和城堡塔楼上的喷火龙之间的激烈战斗,采用弗兰克-弗雷泽塔的风格。 ::2 [Knight]::3 [Dragon]::1 [Castle] –ar 16:9)

  • A whimsical scene of a mermaid lounging on a rock, combing her hair with a seashell, illustrated in a Disney-inspired art style. ::2 [Mermaid]::1 [Rock]::1 [Seashell] –ar 3:2(译文:美人鱼躺在岩石上,用贝壳梳理头发的奇特场景,采用了迪斯尼的艺术风格。::2 [Mermaid]::1 [Rock]::1 [Seashell] –ar 3:2)

  • A magical landscape with floating islands, connected by glowing bridges, and a sky filled with stars, in a Studio Ghibli-inspired animation style. ::3 [Floating Islands]::1 [Bridges]::2 [Stars] –ar 16:9(译文:一个神奇的景观,有浮动的岛屿,由发光的桥梁连接,天空中布满星星,采用吉卜力工作室的动画风格。 ::3 [Floating Islands]::1 [Bridges]::2 [Stars] –ar 16:9)



  • A bustling cyberpunk cityscape with neon-lit skyscrapers and flying cars zipping through the air, in the style of Syd Mead. ::2 [Cityscape]::1 [Flying Cars] –ar 3:2(译文:一个繁华的赛博朋克城市景观,霓虹灯下的摩天大楼和在空中飞驰的飞行汽车,具有西德-米德的风格。 ::2 [Cityscape]::1 [Flying Cars] –ar 3:2)

  • A group of astronauts exploring an alien planet, with strange plants and creatures in the background, reminiscent of H.R. Giger’s artwork. ::1 [Astronauts]::2 [Alien Planet]::3 [Creatures] –ar 16:9(译文:一群宇航员在探索一个外星球,背景是奇怪的植物和生物,让人想起H.R.Giger的作品。 ::1 [Astronauts]::2 [Alien Planet]::3 [Creatures] –ar 16:9)

  • A high-tech robot warrior standing in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, holding a glowing energy weapon, in a detailed concept art style similar to ArtStation. (译文:一个高科技的机器人战士站在末世的荒原上,手持发光的能量武器,其详细的概念艺术风格类似于ArtStation。 ::2 [Robot]::1 [Wasteland]::1 [Weapon] –ar 3:2)



  • A striking portrait of a tribal warrior with intricate face paint and feathered headdress,in the style of Steve McCurry’s photography. ::2 [Warrior]::1 [Face Paint]::1 [Headdress] –ar 2:3(译文:一幅引人注目的部落战士肖像,脸上涂有复杂的颜料和羽毛头饰,具有史蒂夫-麦考利的摄影风格。 ::2 [Warrior]::1 [Face Paint]::1 [Headdress] –ar 2:3)

  • An elegant ballerina poised in a graceful dance pose, surrounded by a swirl of pastel colors, inspired by Edgar Degas’ paintings. ::1 [Ballerina]::3 [Dance Pose]::2 [Pastel Colors] –ar 3:2(译文:一个优雅的芭蕾舞者摆出了优雅的舞蹈姿势,周围是粉色的漩涡,灵感来自于埃德加-德加的画作。::1 [Ballerina]::3 [Dance Pose]::2 [Pastel Colors] –ar 3:2)

  • A street musician playing a saxophone under a streetlight, with a city skyline in the background, in a moody film noir style. ::1 [Musician]::1 [Saxophone]::1 [City Skyline] –ar 16:9(译文:一个街头音乐家在路灯下吹萨克斯,背景是城市天际线,具有黑色电影的风格。 ::1 [Musician]::1 [Saxophone]::1 [City Skyline] –ar 16:9)



  • A vivid and chaotic abstract composition, with swirling shapes and bold colors, influenced by Jackson Pollock’s drip painting technique. ::3 [Swirling Shapes]::2 [Bold Colors] –ar 3:2(译文:一个生动而混乱的抽象构图,具有旋转的形状和大胆的色彩,受到杰克逊-波洛克的滴水画技术的影响。 ::3 [Swirling Shapes]::2 [Bold Colors] –ar 3:2)

  • A surreal dreamscape featuring melting clocks draped over a barren landscape, reminiscent of Salvador Dali’s famous painting “The Persistence of Memory.” ::1 [Melting Clocks]::2 [Landscape] –ar 16:9(译文:一个超现实的梦境,以融化的时钟为特色,垂在荒芜的风景上,让人想起萨尔瓦多-达利的名画《记忆的持久性》。 ::1 [Melting Clocks]::2 [Landscape] –ar 16:9)

  • A geometric, minimalist composition with intersecting lines and simple shapes, in a bold, high-contrast color palette, inspired by Piet Mondrian’s work. ::1 [Geometric]::1 [Minimalist]::1 [High-Contrast] –ar 2:3(译文:一个几何的、简约的构图,交叉的线条和简单的形状,采用大胆的、高对比度的色调,灵感来自于Piet Mondrian的作品。::1 [Geometric]::1 [Minimalist]::1 [High-Contrast] –ar 2:3)



  • A dynamic comic book-style illustration of a superhero leaping into action, with a cityscape in the background and dramatic action lines. ::3 [Superhero]::1 [Cityscape]::2 [Action Lines] –ar 3:2(译文:一幅超级英雄跃跃欲试的动态漫画式插图,背景是城市景观和戏剧性的动作线条。::3 [Superhero]::1 [Cityscape]::2 [Action Lines] –ar 3:2)

  • A highly detailed digital painting of a popular video game character, equipped with their signature weapon and armor, in a dramatic battle pose. ::2 [Character]::1 [Weapon]::1 [Armor] –ar 16:9(译文:一幅高度详细的电子游戏角色的数字画,配备了他们的标志性武器和盔甲,摆出了戏剧性的战斗姿势。::2 [Character]::1 [Weapon]::1 [Armor] –ar 16:9)

  • A playful, cartoonish representation of a famous movie scene, with exaggerated facial expressions and bright, bold colors, reminiscent of a Looney Tunes animation. ::1 [Movie Scene]::1 [Exaggerated Expressions]::1 [Bright Colors] –ar 3:2(译文:一个俏皮的、卡通化的著名电影场景表现,夸张的面部表情和明亮、大胆的色彩,让人想起Looney Tunes动画。::1 [Movie Scene]::1 [Exaggerated Expressions]::1 [Bright Colors] –ar 3:2)



  • A modern and responsive e-commerce website design with minimalistic aesthetics, showcasing products in a clean and organized grid layout –ar 16:9 –s 300(译文:一个具有极简主义美学的现代响应式电子商务网站设计,以简洁有序的网格布局展示产品 –ar 16:9 –s 300)

  • A sleek, dark-themed portfolio website for a professional photographers, displaying their work in a stunning full-screen gallery –ar 16:9(译文:为专业摄影师设计了一个时尚的、以黑暗为主题的作品集网站,在一个令人惊叹的全屏画廊中展示他们的作品 –ar 16:9)

  • An interactive and user-friendly educational website, incorporating playful illustrations and intuitive navigation for a delightful learning experience –ar 16:9(译文:一个互动的、用户友好的教育网站,结合俏皮的插图和直观的导航,提供令人愉快的学习体验 –ar 16:9)



  • A futuristic concept design of a smartwatch with holographic display, blending elegance with cutting-edge technology –ar 3:2(译文:一款带有全息显示屏的智能手表的未来主义概念设计,融合了优雅和尖端技术 -ar 3:2)

  • A sleek and ergonomic gaming controller with customizable LED lights and a seamless blend of form and function, reminiscent of Razer’s gaming peripherals –ar 3:2 –s 500(译文:一款时尚的、符合人体工程学的游戏控制器,带有可定制的LED灯,外形和功能完美融合,让人联想到Razer的游戏外设 –ar 3:2 –s 500)

  • A high-tech robotic assistant with expressive features, designed to help with everyday tasks around the home, inspired by Boston Dynamics’ robots –ar 3:2 –s 700(译文:具有表达功能的高科技机器人助手,旨在帮助完成家庭周围的日常工作,其灵感来自于波士顿动力公司的机器人 –ar 3:2 –s 700)



  • A vintage-inspired album cover for a jazz musician, incorporating moody lighting and classic design elements, influenced by the works of Reid Miles –ar 2:3 –s 400(译文:受里德-迈尔斯的作品影响,为一位爵士乐手制作的复古风格的专辑封面,融入了情绪化的灯光和经典设计元素 –ar 2:3 –s 400)

  • An imaginative illustration of a music festival scene, with a lively crowd, mesmerizing stage lighting, and iconic landmarks in the background, inspired by the vibrant art of James R. Eads –ar 2:3 –s 600(译文:一幅富有想象力的音乐节场景插图,背景是热闹的人群、迷人的舞台灯光和标志性的地标,灵感来自James R. Eads充满活力的艺术 -ar 2:3 -s 600)

  • A stylized portrait of a famous pop singer, captured in the midst of a powerful performance, surrounded by adoring fans, drawn in the iconic style of Andy Warhol –ar 2:3 –s 800(译文:一幅著名流行歌手的风格化画像,他正在进行强有力的表演,被崇拜他的歌迷所包围,这幅画是以安迪-沃霍尔的标志性风格绘制的 -ar 2:3 -s 800)





Midjourney 是一个令人着迷的人工智能文本转换工具,它可以神奇地将用户提供的文本提示转化为视觉上吸引人的图像,使设计师、艺术家和内容创作者能够释放他们的创造力。

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